Two reviews, a nomination, and time and space to write …

by Catherine Gammon

Just a little catching up here, after six months at Green Gulch, a few days in Brooklyn, and now a room and time for writing at Wellspring House in Ashfield, Massachusetts, where the trees still look like winter, but the air knows it’s spring…

sorrowcompE.inddA couple of newer reviews of Sorrow have come out: the smartest read from PANK (spoiler alert) and the smartingest from The Pittsburgh Post Gazette.

Meanwhile, in California, Sorrow is a finalist in fiction for the Northern California Book Awards—the ceremony (“and the winner is…”) coming up this Sunday in San Francisco, details here.

Just to be nominated in such excellent company is a win, and I’m sorry to miss the event, but happy for this precious unstructured time.

Good luck to all the nominees, and gratitude to the Northern California reviewers. And, as always, to Jeff Condran and Robert Peluso of Braddock Avenue Books.